
Hat in the Ring

JULY 1, 1904
On this day in 1904 great-grandfather Raffaele wrote a letter to the big-wigs in Provincia di Bari. I'm fairly certain I have the letter translated, if not word for word then at least the high points.I'll post the translation in a couple of days - I want to milk this letter for awhile.

Is this is a copy of the letter or the undelivered original? I suspect the original. Two documents are referenced as enclosed with the letter and since I'm in possession of these items it looks very much as if the letter and attachments were never sent.

This letter looks pretty darn good for 100+ years, amirite? It was discovered in 1992 following the death of my great-uncle along with many other delicious family treasures. Hundreds of photos, letters and documents were found in unbelievably good condition considering no special protective measures were taken.

What's that I hear? It's a chorus from my favorite song: Old photos and documents should be stored in archival quality boxes and albums!

Preserving Old Photos & Documents
Warning: This page starts off with a big Warning!

Pioneer Jumbo Scrapbook Storage Box, Sage Green
Acid- and lignon-free rocks

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